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Patient Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions (terms) set out the basis on which you will be provided with treatment at Blemish Clinic.

Please take the time to read them carefully.

If you would like to discuss the terms and conditions further please contact us at or call 01706 822689.

Blemish Clinic Ltd is not for use in medical emergencies.  We do however provide an out-of-hours service to patients who have recently had treatment with us and require any immediate care.


The charges for our appointments are available by contacting us by email, phone or via our website booking system. Blemish Clinic Ltd will always provide you with the cost of the consultation prior to seeing the clinician and a cost for any treatment will be given during or after that consultation. 

Please be aware that occasionally procedures can become more complex and the procedure can take longer than anticipated.  There is also the possibility that wounds may break down due to complications.  Blemish Clinic Ltd therefore reserve the right to apply any additional costs for any ongoing nursing care and /or regular wound dressings or further treatment.  These costs may include but are not limited to:

  1. further blood or histology testing
  2. additional wound dressings or prescriptions
  3. the cost of any recommended treatment to aid wound or skin healing

Before any treatment or investigation is carried out, the clinician will explain and describe the costs (where known).

Investigation Charges

We often send an excision biopsy or punch biopsy for histology, so we get confirmation of our diagnosis. The results ensure we have either completely removed the mole/lesion or clarifies a diagnosis, so we can make the next decision about your care.  Sometimes the histology biopsy may need to go to a specialist centre for further assessment. The reporting pathologist is the professional who has considered this to be a necessary extension of your investigation.  Unfortunately, this incurs an extra cost. The importance and reason for further specialist assessment will be explained to you by the clinic staff. 


We do wish to support all our client’s healthcare needs.

Where appointments are cancelled at short notice or if patients do not attend their scheduled appointment other patients are unable to be assisted in their healthcare needs. Therefore, we request that if you need to rearrange the appointment you have booked, we would be grateful if you could give as much notice as possible.

We can reschedule your appointment at any time, without penalty or administration fees, provided a minimum of 24 hours notice is given.  Should your appointment fall on a Monday we would expect contact by email to or an answerphone message be left on the contact numbers 01706 822689 or 07535697768 during the week-end (with a minimum of 24 hours notice). 

In the event that you give less than 24 hours notice for rescheduling or cancelling an appointment, you will be liable for the full cost of the appointment, which is charged as a cancellation fee as our doctors will be unable to help other patients at such short notice.  Any cancellations made due to an emergency will be dealt with at the discretion of the clinic.

Please note non-attendance of an appointment will be invoiced at 100% of the cost of the appointment and is to be paid within 7 days of invoice.

Privacy Policy

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Complaints Policy

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Insured Patients

Blemish Clinic Ltd does not provide care under private health care claim.  We can however provide a professional report should your insurer require one.

While the Clinicians will do their best to ensure a satisfactory outcome, no clinical procedure is entirely risk-free and the results of any particular treatment cannot be guaranteed with complete certainty.  Completion of ongoing care and an up-to-date full medical history is essential for medical decision-making, prior to a procedure or a treatment. If there are any omissions of medical history which could cause an adverse event the clinic cannot be held accountable.

Other Terms and Conditions

Whilst at Blemish Clinic, you will be under the care of the clinician with whom you have been arranged an appointment.

Clinicians involved in your care are self-employed but contracted to work for the clinic.  Both the clinician and the clinic are responsible for the care of the patient.


Debit/Credit Card: Debit or credit card is requested as a form of payment.  Amex is not accepted.

Where a payment plan has been arranged, we require 20% of the treatment cost to be paid upfront.  We will then split the remaining balance for treatment over our agreed term.  These payments will be taken by monthly direct debit.

Overseas Patients

This section applies to all Patients who are not ordinarily resident in the UK.

If you are not ordinarily resident in the UK you will be liable to pay charges for any consultation, treatment or prescription before leaving the clinic.  Payment for any cancelled appointments will also become payable immediately.

Your Contract with Blemish Clinic Ltd

By agreeing to the appointment you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If there is any conflict between these terms and conditions and any subsequent documentation that you sign on behalf of Blemish Clinic Ltd these terms and conditions will take precedence.

Blemish Clinic Ltd may update these Terms from time to time, however, any changes will only apply to any new episode of care that you receive. You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in force at the time you attend the clinician. Note that any new terms and conditions will apply to any treatment package which is part-way through when the terms and conditions are changed.

Cancellation of your treatment by Blemish Clinic Ltd 

Blemish Clinic Limited may need to cancel your appointment due to clinical or non-clinical reasons.

We will provide you with a reason why the cancellation was necessary. Where this is the case we will give you as much notice as possible. We will rearrange your appointment as soon as possible and agree on a date with you.

Notices and your contact details: 

It is important that you keep us updated with any changes in your contact details.

Your property:

While we will take all care to ensure the safety of your belongings, Blemish Clinic Ltd does not accept any responsibility for the theft or loss of, or damage to, any of your or your chaperones’ property.

Third Party Rights

Except for you or Blemish Clinic Ltd, no person, company or organisation will have any rights under or in connection with these terms and conditions. You agree to indemnify Blemish Clinic Ltd against any claims brought by a third party in connection with your care.

Law and the Courts: 

These Terms are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with English law and the courts of England and Wales shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction.

Changes to terms & conditions

You can review the most current version of the Terms of Service at any time at this page.

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to update, change or replace any part of these Terms and Conditions by posting updates and changes to our website. It is your responsibility to check our website periodically for changes. Your continued use of or access to our website or the Service following the posting of any changes to these Terms of Service constitutes acceptance of those changes.

“Applicable Law” means any and all laws, regulations, guidelines and professional obligations applicable to the  provision of Care or the  performance of services  for you, including the requirements as regards treatment, procurement, research and storage of reproductive material;
“Care” means care, treatment, diagnosis, services (including Sundry Items) and goods provided by us;
“Clinicians” means all clinicians involved in your Care;
“Contract” means these Terms and conditions

“Blemish”,“Blemish Clinic”, “we” or “us” means (a) Blemish Clinic Ltd

“Terms” means these terms and conditions

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