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Eye lid and eye bag before undergoing treatment

We help you feel confident in your own skin

We help you feel confident in your own skin

non-surgical blepharoplasty

Tired-looking eyes?

With ageing comes tired-looking eyes – whether it is droopy eyelids, with excess or loose skin in the upper eyelid, or heavy tissue and bags under the eyes. The eyes are one of the first areas to show ageing due to the delicate skin, and alongside crow’s feet and wrinkles around the eyes, hooded eyelids or eyebags can be a real cosmetic concern for both men and women.

Surgery used to be the only option but with plasma sublimation and radio frequency, we have a soft surgery technique to reduce wrinkled, saggy eyelids or eye bags that does not require a scalpel.

Non-surgical blepharoplasty - using plasma and radio frequency to tighten tissue

At Blemish Clinic, we use the Spherofill plasma radiofrequency (RF) device for non-surgical or soft surgery blepharoplasty procedures to tighten eyelids and reduce eye bags. The controlled trauma causes immediate contraction of the collagen fibres in the tissue and stimulates the body’s repair response to release growth factors, produce new collagen, and all the essential components needed for the regeneration of new fibroblasts, or healthy skin cells.

How our patients rate their experience in clinic

*Data gathered via our post-treatment survey
What we do

Conditions treated with Spherofill for eyelid and eye bag removal

Hooded upper eyelids, loose skin or wrinkling of the upper eyelids, eye bags under the eyes, wrinkling under and around the eyes.

What Our Clients Say...

"Had my first experience of upper blepharoplasty. The results were amazing, I believe the treatment has taken 20 years of my eyes, not only have my eyelids lifted, even the small creases around the corner of my eyes have been eliminated. I am so happy with the results I have just completed my lower eye blepharoplasty and cannot wait to see this transformation! Thank you Jan Birch."

Eye Bag Removal FAQs

We use a technique to achieve a non-surgical blepharoplasty, or eyelid and eye bag removal, that is often referred to as plasma sublimation, soft surgery, or a plasma eye lift.

Plasma is the fourth state of matter, alongside solid, liquid, and gas. Plasma is generated from the tip of a special electrode when the atmospheric gas (the air around us) between the tip and the skin is ionised. This causes a small electrical arc to be released that strikes the skin and sublimates or vaporises the tissue. The tip of the device never touches the skin, but the plasma arc causes an immediate and controlled contraction of the skin in a very small area, the size of a pin prick, creating small dot marks. The tip is held 1-2mm away from the surface of the skin and moved around as multiple shots of the plasma are fired, until the area has been fully treated and the desired contraction achieved.

The heat generated from the plasma arc tightens and shortens the collagen fibres to immediately reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and tighten the area. The body then takes over to heal the skin and produce fresh new skin cells.

At Blemish Clinic, we use a device called Spherofill and use different tips for different procedures, which includes the non-surgical blepharoplasty. There is a radiofrequency or RF option within the device which can also be combined with dermal filler and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy to maximise your treatment outcomes. Our expert medical professionals will design a treatment plan to suit the severity of wrinkly and loose skin in your upper and lower eyelid areas, to achieve the best non-surgical blepharoplasty for you.

This treatment is ideal for those with mild to moderate loose skin, drooping in the upper eye lids, or skin sagging and eye bag formation in the lower eye lid area underneath the eyes. If the amount of loose skin is more significant, you may not be suitable, or we may only be able to achieve a modest improvement and surgery may still be a better option, although we will be able to discuss your expectations.

Plasma sublimation cannot be performed on patients with very dark skin tones due to the high risk of causing pigmentary changes during the treatment process, this could include both dark spots and light spots on the skin, especially if the smalls crusts or scabs created during treatments are scratched away before the area has healed.

During your consultation a full medical history will be taken to determine if there are any underlying health concerns, medications you are taking, or known allergies that could impact on your suitability for treatment. If you have an active infection in the eye or in the surrounding area being treated – bacterial, viral, or fungal – or are generally unwell, then you will need to wait until that has resolved.

If you are pregnant or breast feeding, you will not be suitable for treatment.

The comfort of our patients in paramount at Blemish Clinic, therefore a numbing cream or topical anaesthetic will be applied to your skin before treatment, especially as the eye area is generally a very sensitive zone for most people.

During treatment you will experience a sensation of warmth or heat, but this should not be painful. Treatment takes up to an hour, depending on the size of the area we need to treat with the plasma dots.

The area will feel tight afterwards, with redness and swelling, and a brown appearance around the eye area from all the small dots of sublimation; these will crust and form tiny scabs in the hours following treatment.

Due to the nature of the eye area, which includes lymphatics, you can expect significant initial swelling and puffiness to the eye area, with downtime for 3-5 days. You can return to your normal activities and day-to-day routines if you wish but may find the initial swelling closes your eyes and compromises your vision, such as that needed for driving. You can wear sunglasses and a hat to avoid sun exposure to your face in the early days. Most people rest until the swelling has subsided, so expect to take some time off work.

After the first few days, there will be a sloughing of the top layers of skin, where the dots or small scabs naturally come away to reveal new skin beneath. You must not rub or scratch this as you could introduce infection or risk scarring and pigmentation changes. You will be given aftercare advise, including that for sun protection and sun avoidance.

Most people require 2-3 treatments for an optimal result, but you can expect to see an improvement in the fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, a fresher look, often making the eyes appear more open and wider, with tighter, more youthful skin around the eyes. A reduction in eyelid hooding and eye bag size is also likely.

The initial results are permanent and can be long-lasting, however, sadly, your natural ageing will continue, and this means you could go on to develop further wrinkles and loose skin in the eye area over time. You can expect the results of a non-surgical blepharoplasty to last approximately 3-5 years.

We believe in being transparent with our prices and want you to be fully aware and comfortable with the cost of your treatment. A full list of our prices can be found here. We will always agree a final price with you though before treatment commences.

How it works
Treatment Time
Discomfort Level
Recovery Time

This technology does not use a scalpel or laser to remove excess skin in the eyelid or under the eye, the treatment is performed without cutting, burning, or removing excess skin or fat, but relies on the use of heat from a plasma arc to contract tissue.


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